Becoming Ray Muraya

Have you ever wondered what would have become if you just pushed yourself a little bit harder? Here’s a story of attempts, failure and a beautiful work-in progress all woven together! Hello, my name is Muraya, you’ve probably heard the name or come across it somewhere in the intricate streets of the world-wide-web. If not, […]
Benefits of Having a Website

Website design Let’s face it, you’re not inventing the wheel, which means any business/store/ idea you want to implement is already in existence. The competition is crazy out here. So how do you stay ahead of the competition? Today, having a company website is as crucial as having a shop, office or telephone number. A […]
What Could Go Wrong?

In two major instances I’ve found myself asking this question;- See, we live life erring on the side of caution (nothing wrong with it by the way) thereby limiting ourselves and what we could potentially achieve by letting go. Few years ago, I used to live a very reserved life. No adventure, no risks and […]
Logo Designers in Nairobi

Graphics Designer of the year – People’s Choice Awards 2022. We are an Award winning graphics design house in Nairobi. We focus primarily on creating beautiful and amazing designs that makes your business stand out. Our main focus is on Logos, Posters/Flyers, Business Cards, Web Design, Web Development an many more type of designs.